Friday, September 26, 2008

My fifth day in Australia

This is my fifth day in Australia. The place and people here are very different from Hong Kong. There are something I see or feel during these days.

- Australia is really a beautiful place. I ride or walk to CSIRO office for several times. The environment around makes me comfortable and relaxed.

- the people are nice. Like, many people would say 'thank you' when getting off the bus, which is uncommon in Hong Kong. Yet some Aussie can be regarded as lazy by Hong Kong standard, and the customer service here is just ok.

- Canberra is quiet place, or boring place if you like. Not much entertainment here, shops close at night. You can't find the equivalent of Mong Kok here. It is kind of cultural shock for Hong Kong people like me.

- bike is so common here. They have specific lane for bikes on highways. Riding is good for health and for environment. I think there will be more cyclists as the oil price keeps rising.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

21 September 2008

Tonight I will move to Australia for PhD study.
What's next?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Economic rationality?

To those who believed in economic assumptions and Form 5/7 economics textbook theories. Let's listen to psychologists.

(明報)9月20日 星期六 05:10


「經濟學理論常認為,市場價格的形成,取決於人們的理性及信息完全。」英國 心理學家塔克特說,「這是完全錯誤的,操作市場的是人,而基於人意識的決定通常是膚淺的。」行為學專家安德烈森直指,部分非理性投資行為是羊群心態所致:一開始,人們不敢輕易入市,但看到鄰居或同事買股票賺到錢,他們也開始小心入市,並從不斷上漲的股價而獲得信心。伴隨收益增多,他們愈加得意忘形;當市場泡沫開始破裂時,投資者仍覺得無所謂,直到股價大瀉,沽盤增多,他們就開始恐慌性拋售。安德烈森說:「受他人影響,許多人開始短期投機,只看股票表面價格,忽視內在價值。」

劍橋 大學行為學專家科茨更認為,市場波動幅度被狂躁荷爾蒙放大。科茨曾在高盛和德銀工作,2000年科網股熱潮時,他驚見男交易員表現出「典型症狀的躁狂症」,即認為自己無所不能、想法狂熱和減少睡眠。科茨於是展開研究,從倫敦 證交所隨機選了17名男交易員,每天兩次提取他們的唾液樣本,分析兩種荷爾蒙的變化。一種是與男性侵略行為和性行為有關的睾丸素,另一種是皮質醇,即會指示身體如何應付危急環境(選擇戰鬥下去或走為上着)的反應,結果發現當交易員賺錢時,睾丸素就會上升,但損手或市場波動時,皮質醇會急劇增加。不少針對動物的研究已顯示,長遠來說,荷爾蒙偏高會損害判斷力,並激發冒險行為。

