Monday, July 28, 2008


值得轉載的一篇文章,從文章看出作者是一個有良心、理智的香港人 (相比起那個所謂的香港良心Mrs. Anson Chan有過之而無不及)。
(註: 作者跟我一樣都係undergrad係中大讀BBA, 後來先轉做政策研究及評論)


(明報)7月24日 星期四 05:10
【明報專訊】最近,聽到剛赴美國 進修的一位朋友,所親身經歷的一個小故事。他說有天到理髮店理髮,剛巧理髮師也是移民到來的港人,便閒聊起上來,講到香港的種種熱鬧精彩時,朋友便好奇問對方,為何不回流香港,怎料對方卻說:「算了,我恐怕自己再也不能適應香港。」



上周三,政府頒布了一系列在高通脹下,政府的紓解民困措施,不料,旋即被部分人士批評為偏重、討好基層,但卻忽略中產,開學津貼、綜援 、生果金、公屋租金等,統統無份,只有電費及外傭稅的寬減項目,才稍為惠及,中產再一次被犧牲。另有外傭僱主及中產人士,擬組織遊行,抗議政府漠視中產階級需要云云。


「中產階級稅就交得最多,但福利就攞得最少」,這是近年輿論中建構出來其中一個最有深遠影響的論述。其中一個最為推波助瀾的,就是愈來愈變得像campaign media的本地傳媒,每次政府「派糖」政策出台,傳媒都最愛攫取一些最具煽風點火效果的公眾sound bites,又或者起一些煽情的報章標題,例如中產「被開刀」,甚至「任人劏」這類語不驚人死不休的字眼。反而對於政策的來龍去脈,政策的合理性,卻着墨和探討甚少。今次一個典型例子便是外傭稅。



平心而論,在新一輪通脹威脅下,對草根的影響要算最大,因為現時通脹勢頭最猛的,要算是油價和糧食價格。油價太貴,中產可減少使用私家車,多用公共交通公具;但食物如罐頭、麵包、肉價、米價等飈升,可壓縮的空間則不大。大家都明白,菜籃子是草根生活開支的主要部分,對中產則不然。我們這類中產,每次去街市或超市買菜,最多感到有些「肉赤」,但仍未至於消費不起,但設身處地去想,即食麵一包由兩元升至四元;豆腐一磚由一元多升至三元多;罐頭由每罐幾元升至十多元;米價勁升了一倍 …… 一個月入幾千元的草根家庭,這就是「生活中難以承受之重」。再加上,經濟雖然復蘇,雖然中產很多都有人工加,但在全球化衝擊下,很多基層勞工面臨deskilling、工種外移、職位流失等的衝擊,薪水根本升不上去,令其情况更加雪上加霜。







如果有多到世界各地遊歷、見識的朋友,相信不難感覺到,香港的治安、公共秩序、城市管理等,都是世界首屈一指的,身邊不少朋友也認定,香港是全球華人社會中,一個算是可以讓我們安身立命的好地方。只要你看看其他亞洲國家如印尼 及菲律賓 ,便知道幸福並不是必然。如果大家都不認為自己的社會是公義和合理,反而充斥着不忿、嫉妒,甚至是仇恨,一個社會是不可能安定與和諧的。建立一個公義的社會,便是稅款、公共資源投放及配置的其中一個主題,最終每個階層都能受惠,包括中產。



Friday, July 25, 2008

Monthly quote

quoted from Mark Sagoff's book (The Economy of the Earth, 2nd ed., 2008)

"as societies rise above the poverty level, goods are valued more for their social or cultural meaning than for their use; this meaning, moreover, is largely determined by their distribution" (p.76)

Distribution here means inter- and intra-generational equity. It also refers to the changees in status or identity after a redistribution of the good, like ownership of a rare product e.g. 'I'm not a plastic bag!'. So, one is altruistic and the other is self-interest, but both of them may be different from the 'utility' as economists defined. It is more likely related to the act itself, rather than the utility gains from the act. That's means that when societies pass through a certain threshold, the meanings of value change, and the old ways of interpretation fail.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Maths-based environmental economics

This is a reply to someone in discussion forum who insisted that mathematics is very important if not central to economics and social science in general. I don't agree especially on the latter. Their academic mindsets are just too closed to be realistic. They forget the nature and purpose of economics as a social science, and just do maths for maths.


Env econ has a purpose of informing policy. Researchers commonly make use of many maths modelling and technical appraoches, like a 'must' in every publication. However, some people, including trained economists, considered this as source of problems rather than an advantage now (it's 'common' but flawed). They criticized the highly focused appraoch with maths has 'reduces the env problems to narrow technical issues and deliberately excludes a range of potential options and an interdisciplinary approch'.
For example, maths-based econ can hardly measure cultural-ethical value as it is non-marketed, slippery & not quite consistent to utilitartian theory. When assessing the value of fengshui forest 風水林, resource economists tend to look at productivity only, like the market value of timber and land which are measurable and more reliable (so, 'economically justifiable') and can be well fitted into maths-based techniques like CBA (cost-benefit analysis). However, this simply bypass those values (sort of cultural, 'religious' dimensions, like so called 龍脈, 風水山墳) that the local villages do care. Applying this econ etimate to project evaluation without taking such considerations may simply create conflict and may therefore be rejected by locals, green groups, and sometimes the government themselves. The equation looks good, but the number or symbol is narrowly defined given the nature of the issue.

Likewise, someone in World bank said it is economically justified to transfer all electronic waste to Africa. I suppose he can a make maths equation to show that this is efficient from econ perspective. However, you can imagine the justice and politics issue here. It is difficult to incorporate those value dimensions and issues that cannot be easily be precisely transferred as numbers in maths model, as I hv mentioned in my first post. If we strictly follow maths rules and stick to maths model as a policy basis, the result will be excluding some real-world issues that are really important to policy makers. This is the problem with hedonic pricing method, contingent valuation method (for valuing non-marketed goods) commonly used in env econ. The same problem applies to the Arctic energy resource, justice, politics,...and the list goes on. It is difficult to put these into equations - will u ask someone how much is your ethical belief?. Excluding these dimensions is a tradition of econ, but is a problem as well when the social aspirations change thru these years. That's why a renowned env economist said that env econ did not pay a key policy role - the maths-based, technical approaches are just too unrealistic to apply in real policy implementation. This view is supported by quite a number of economists in the field.

The flaw of the math-based env econ is then clear. By sticking to the orthrodox model they ignore those outside their discipline. They use maths, they make policy advice, but they ignore the linkage with other perspectives which are imcompatible to their mindsets. But env issues are complex and trans-disciplinary, exclusion of non-economic perspectives is just a ignorance of realities. Finally, policy may be misguided. And this partly contributes to the development of ecological economics, which takes philosophy, politics, economics, sociology...etc into account. If the mainstream economics is perfect, we don't need this.

In fact, in social science, there is a trend (actually a tradition) to move across disciplinary boundary. Sociology involves politics, econ is related to psycho, journalism to sociology and politics; geography almost covers all. And finally, all these are built upon philosophy. So, social scientists have no excuse to escape from other disciplines' inputs.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Politics of climate change: who jump first?

Now US and probably some other developed economies have an excuse to keep away from bounding to economic-destructive emission targets. The politics of climate change is inseperable from distributional justice. It sounds reasonable for those developed economies to do more because they benefited more and also directly contributed to the problem in the past. However, does it mean that their less developed counterparts should do less? Comparably tough emission targets seem unfair to them, but getting it looser for these rapidly growing economies means bigger burden for the next generations. It's intra- vs. inter-generational justice underlying the whole discourse. And it is unresolvable by presenting scientific evidence about the likelihood of global warming which can only provide some informational assistance. Now people are looking for a new set of philosophy that can match people's wishes better than the old ones - I mean economic objectives, or those in the second level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Yet, there is still such a difficult question: Who jump first?

(法新社) 07月 09日 星期三 06:20PM

(法新社北海道 洞爺湖九日電) 八大富有國家領袖在提出二零五零年前讓全球碳排放量至少減半的呼籲後,今天與中國和印度 等八個主要開發中國家領袖集會,希望說服他們參與這項減碳計劃,但是 雙方未能就如何落實減碳目標達成協議,只好將希望寄託在明年底於哥本哈根舉行的氣候變遷會議。
聲明中也未納入日本 的一項提議。這項提議建議開發中國家同意以長期減排換取富國在較短期內採取行動。這是全球氣候變遷談判的主要癥結之一。
布希的國際經濟事務助理普賴斯,一如往常的稱讚今天這項由美國 發起的會議。
他表示:「各界普遍承認,讓這些國家齊聚一堂,嘗試找出共同點,是對聯合國 談判的巨大貢獻。」
世界自然基金會 的「全球氣候倡議」負責人卡斯滕森,指責富國企圖藉著指責開發中國家來拖延行動。