Monday, April 7, 2008

Preparing for my PhD (3)

Now I have a chance to get my MPhil thesis finished before moving to Australia to do the PhD.

Last month when I talked to my MPhil supervisor I was told that I have to quit (asap) the MPhil programme if I decide to accept this PhD scholarship offer. But I met him last week. Because I have already completed data collection for my project, he suggested me to raise a special request (via him) to the HKU Graduate School for submitting the thesis earlier, i.e. early September 08 (about one year earlier than normal case). After submitting the thesis I can go Australia immediately (but have to go back HK to do an oral defence at the end of 2008). That means if I can work hard (very hard indeed!), I can get the MPhil degree while doing the PhD.

My prospective supervisor who gives me the PhD scholarship offer agreed this in principle. I promise him to complete the thesis within next five months. It's hard but not impossible to me.

So, starting from today, I will keep working and reduce sleepign tmie to no more than six hours every day except holiday. Let see if I can break our department's record!

1 comment:

FireStallion said...

So, looks like professor is not that bad at all.

Somehow, we need to express our emotions.

And good luck on your thesis!