仙劍三電視劇插曲,現在的大陸劇比港劇好看多了,這套是我喜歡之一 (其實我也沒看過很多)。
喜歡的其中一個原因是情意結。雖然我沒有玩過仙劍,但大學時代迷上的是同類的古代神話風線上遊戲,叫 『軒轅劍』,台灣出品,瘋狂迷上的結果係學業倒退。現在的線上遊戲更吸引,我仍然很想再玩的,不過肯定會影響工作,所以嘛,想想好了,千萬別來認真的。
也是有情意結的因素,一來我對民初文人的故事很有興趣,二來嘛,就是我大學時代的花名 - 志摩 (到現在也還是有人這樣叫我喔)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
前陣子得知老闆2號John患上lymphoma, 有可能是cancer,還在檢查中。本來,生老病死從來都沒什麼可說的,但如果他有事,我想我會從心底的悲哭出來,原因不是僅僅出於我對他的崇拜,還有他是堪稱這個領域內數一數二的人物,失去了他,就如巨星殞落,是學術界的大損失。
老闆1號Clive看過我的論文,他深知道我的思想來源,所以就說我的文章在attacking everybody ,但只有一個人我不會attack - John (我也沒有attack Clive)。事實上,我還想把John的其中一本著作翻譯作中文,我的中文水準比英文好多了,應該應付得來。
回想起來,如果當年我沒遇上Clive,就不會遇上 John,那麼我可能只會當個平凡學者,要突破也沒這麼快,理論基礎大概也沒那麼紮實。念PhD,最重要的真是找對老闆,即使不常見面,但光看他們的著作也有灌頂之效,更可況他們的曾先後在我困難或沮喪時候助我一把,作為一個博士生,我是相當幸運。
幾天前喜訊來了,他的lymphoma不是"a scary kind",不用做化療。謝天謝地。
老闆1號Clive看過我的論文,他深知道我的思想來源,所以就說我的文章在attacking everybody ,但只有一個人我不會attack - John (我也沒有attack Clive)。事實上,我還想把John的其中一本著作翻譯作中文,我的中文水準比英文好多了,應該應付得來。
回想起來,如果當年我沒遇上Clive,就不會遇上 John,那麼我可能只會當個平凡學者,要突破也沒這麼快,理論基礎大概也沒那麼紮實。念PhD,最重要的真是找對老闆,即使不常見面,但光看他們的著作也有灌頂之效,更可況他們的曾先後在我困難或沮喪時候助我一把,作為一個博士生,我是相當幸運。
幾天前喜訊來了,他的lymphoma不是"a scary kind",不用做化療。謝天謝地。
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sleepless nights
Nearly a month in Vienna.
Sleepless nights over the last week. Why?
Not that difficult to understand why. One key reason is that my intellectual mind got inspired and excited by the conversations I had with supervisor. Every time we talked to each other or they gave me feedback on my works, or even I picked up their words from my recolllection, I couldn't stop thinking - more precisely couldn't turn off my intellectual machinery, no matter how tired I was or how hard I tried to close my eyes. So many ideas flowing around and so much I want to share, sometimes to an extent that I really try to talk to myself!
This means I am passionate, and this is the very character any successful academic must have.
I need to sleep. I need something to cool me down. I need a way out.
But who can stop me? Someone said: 'if you are good enough, no one can stop you'. Perhaps not even himself! The only one who can is perhaps his partner and family. I used to ..... ok, it's gone.
well... my head is big enough, please bring me to somewhere relaxing.
Sleepless nights over the last week. Why?
Not that difficult to understand why. One key reason is that my intellectual mind got inspired and excited by the conversations I had with supervisor. Every time we talked to each other or they gave me feedback on my works, or even I picked up their words from my recolllection, I couldn't stop thinking - more precisely couldn't turn off my intellectual machinery, no matter how tired I was or how hard I tried to close my eyes. So many ideas flowing around and so much I want to share, sometimes to an extent that I really try to talk to myself!
This means I am passionate, and this is the very character any successful academic must have.
I need to sleep. I need something to cool me down. I need a way out.
But who can stop me? Someone said: 'if you are good enough, no one can stop you'. Perhaps not even himself! The only one who can is perhaps his partner and family. I used to ..... ok, it's gone.
well... my head is big enough, please bring me to somewhere relaxing.
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