有point, 所以當我看完胡適的一本談科學的書之後, 就覺得不必看下去, 因為他誇大了科學的作用, 迷信科學的客觀性, 他還曾說大自然是人類最大敵人要克服之, 民初文人的天真可見一斑。
思考有方﹕科學非萬能 勿盲目迷信
(明報)2010年11月25日 星期四 05:05
大瞻假設 小心求證
假如上述實驗方法「五部曲」只是眾多科學方法之一,科學方法又是什麼?用胡適的話說﹕「科學的方法,說來其實很簡單,只不過『尊重事實,尊重證據。』在應用上,科學的方法只不過『大膽的假設,小心的求證』。」。又說﹕「科學態度在於撇開成見,擱起感情,只認得事實,只跟證據走。」不同學科的科學方法,例如天文學方法、量子力學方法、地質學方法等,並不局限於實驗證明而更為多姿多彩。套用美國 教育哲學家杜威(John Dewey)的說話﹕「科學是認識的不斷完善。」(Science is the perfecting of knowing.),科學方法強調不斷求真。 科學方法並不能解决所有問題,有它的適用範圍和局限。例如,科學方法可以告訴我們火力發電和核能發電的碳排放量的差別,也可以幫助研究開發發電技術,但卻無法回答到底哪種發電方式更適合香港的可持續發展,因後者是價值取向問題,科學方法可以提供有助討論的答案,卻並不能回答怎樣才算適合香港可持續發展。
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
No news (is good news?)
Haven't made much update in the last 6 months. Things are changing with ups and downs. There may be some good news in a couple of weeks. Much remains uncertain though.
Thesis is near completion. With my full commitment my progress sounds incredible to many people. In February I will be travelling to Austria, if everything works well.
Changes are part of life. Quite often I don't actually have a choice, but I just have to choose.
Thesis is near completion. With my full commitment my progress sounds incredible to many people. In February I will be travelling to Austria, if everything works well.
Changes are part of life. Quite often I don't actually have a choice, but I just have to choose.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Grad School Newsletter
'His exceptional strong sense of social and environmental justice is pleasingly contagious. Utopia may not be reachable, but it is worthy of pursuing. Perhaps "it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive" ' Professor Jim described his student - me.
Am I really pursuing utopia? what am I really looking for? Mere knowledge advance, or as he said, justice? or personal fortune? At some stage I have to give an answer.

Am I really pursuing utopia? what am I really looking for? Mere knowledge advance, or as he said, justice? or personal fortune? At some stage I have to give an answer.

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