6. Lo, A. Y. (2010) ‘Active conflict or passive coherence: The political economy of climate change in China’, Environmental Politics.19 (6), pp. 1012-1017.
5. Lo, A. Y. (2010) ‘China’s Response to Climate Change’, Environmental Science and Technology. 44 (15), pp. 5689-5690.
4.Lo, A. Y. and Jim, C. Y. (2010) ‘Differential community effects on perception and use of urban greenspaces’, Cities. 27 (6), pp. 430-442.
3. Lo, A. Y. and Jim, C. Y. (2010) ‘Willingness of residents to pay and motives for conservation of urban green spaces in the compact city of Hong Kong’, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 9, pp. 113-120.
No journal publication in 2009.
2008 publications
2. Lo, A. Y. H. (2008) ‘Achieving environmental goals in a competitive electricity market?: Post-colonial Hong Kong, public choice and the role of government’, Energy and Environment, 19(7), pp. 958-978.
1. Lo, A. Y. H. (2008) ‘Merging electricity and environment politics of Hong Kong: Identifying the barriers from the ways that sustainability is defined’, Energy Policy, 36(4), pp. 1521-1537.
(can't post the whole thing here due to copyrights. Full text available upon request)